A lot of people have asked me how the first semester at college went. Before saying anything about time at school, I must begin with a word God placed on my heart over the summer. While I prayed over the upcoming semester, God spoke through the book of Ezra (which I was reading at the time). He told me that building of His temple comes before any other structure. "Establish and protect the time with Me before you look for friendships, a home-like feeling, a church family, success in class or a job. The place of My presence- where you worship Me- comes first. And everything else must be built with My temple at the center." He has proven Himself faithful to produce strength to build other "buildings" as I've chosen to spend time with Him each day. Simultaneously, He is teaching me the freedom of seeking Him in different ways. For example, I cannot pray as long in the mornings as I did at home because of morning classes. At first I became incredibly frustrated and filled with shame. But God used Ephesians 6 to teach me to pray in the Spirit at all times. Although still in a learning process, I've been amazed at the simple, mundane ways the Lord wants to join me in everyday life. The God who made the universe cares to walk with His children in the smallest moments!
God continued to press Moody Bible Institute on my heart throughout 2023. However, I continued to refuse; I would not live in a city as large as Chicago! Thank goodness the Lord is firm! He softened my heart and gave me peace. He also provided two amazing MBI staff members who helped me with registration while I was still in South Africa.
I attended the international-student orientation, then my parents and Makai got to come for the first day of new student orientation.
During the opening chapel the president initiated a precious time of parents praying over their children. My heart overflows with thankfulness that God gave me parents who stand with me in prayer, not only on the first day of school, but also throughout the semester.
The longer I live in Chicago, the more God opens my heart to the people there. He specifically struck me by the thousands of windows throughout the city. Behind each window is a person. Each person's soul must live on for eternity in one of two places. Where will they go? Has anyone told them about the powerful name of Jesus?
Additionally, it's fascinating to experience people from hundreds of different backgrounds, religions, lifestyles and beliefs. I've appreciated the opportunities God opened for me to share the Gospel and intercede on the streets.
The plaza is a popular hang-out spot.
the gap
you understand
not due
but given
in the life
for you.
a choice:
in judgement
to fit
in... or
two sides.
My "African grandparents," fellow Freedom in Christ missionaries, were in town. They were my first visitors!
After a couple weeks of school, the new students were invited for a day at the India Dunes. Shari, my new friend from St. Vincent, and I spent the day together. It turned into a photography walk! What a blessing to spend time in nature with a kindred creativity-loving soul!
I love finding murals around the city!
Freshman day away in Wisconsin! The Lord blessed me with a day of walking with Him in the woods and sitting by the water in prayer.
Distorted reflection
I stay on campus a lot of the time, but another place I frequent is little India. This neighborhood contains a large number of Indian, Pakistani, Burmese and other immigrant families.
One reason I go often to Little India is Practical Christian Ministry, the weekly volunteering every Moody student is required to do. These sweet students in the picture above and I go every Monday to Devon Oasis where we help with the afternoon homework center. I love tutoring the kids! They are hard workers and fun to chat with. All of them come from Muslim families and most are Burmese, Indian or Afghani. When I learned this, it felt surreal. God has burned my heart for Muslims and these countries for the past year! Now He's allowing me to become friends with the very children I prayed for!
God also provided a wonderful dorm floor! Each floor in the girls' dorm is paired with a brother floor. The "bro-sis" community gets together for parties, forms an intermural team, and sits together in chapel and the cafeteria. My RA felt like an older sister from the beginning! Her wisdom, encouragement and listening ear have comforted me over and over this semester!
Glory, my roommate, is from Indonesia.
God provided several fun opportunities throughout the semester. One was submitting photos for a gallery the communications department hosted for MBI's Candlelight carols. I shared the above picture.
a new journey
one step
now within
much ahead
and each
my hand
by Shepherd
and Shield
I've also been surprised at how much I appreciate the architecture around the city. I love the eclectic mix of beautiful old structures and modern buildings.
Bidding farewell
leads to loss, letting
go, and entering
hellos, the warmth
of new love.
Hold with
open hands the
presence of others;
say goodbye
in hope, fresh
hellos exist
ahead. Not replacing
but adding.
Rose and prison bars
Circle of seasons
This pictures reminds me of the missionary kid community on campus. It's wonderful to find dozens of other students who grew up as missionaries around the world! There's an immediate connection between us.
The girls on my floor celebrated Uganda's independence day with me! I've been touched by the interest many students and staff at MBI have shown in my life in Uganda.
Fall break I got to go to Michigan and spend a long weekend with family! God graciously allowed my family to stay in MI during the first school semester. Through this, He has made the transition to school incredibly smooth. As I was building community at Moody, family was only one time zone away; calling and visiting for breaks was easy. Now as they prepare to return to Uganda, I find comfort through the amazing friends and church community God's provided in Chicago.
Please be praying for my family as they travel then readjust back home!
Corn maize
I got to see one of my homeschool teachers who lived with us during my 5th grade year! Now she has four kids and I'm in college. Time flies!
Fall crafts
Pictures in the woods
We even got snow!
God provided a job in the catering department. We set up all the special events on campus that have food or drink. I enjoyed seeing how my mom's creativity and hospitable hosting prepared me for catering. Also, I found good friends among my coworkers; we had many deep conversations about faith in between tasks. The supervisors were so gentle and patient as they trained me. One supervisor, in pastoral studies, decided to begin each shift with Scripture and prayer. The team felt like a family!
I became involved with Zoe, the on-campus prolife group, during this semester. Three times a week, a group of us stand outside the Planned Parenthood down the road, where we pray and offer pregnancy resource center materials for women coming in or out of the building. We've also shared the gospel almost weekly with the Planned Parenthood volunteers who come as security guards on Saturdays.
My first prayer walk with Zoe, I sobbed almost the entire time. The street corner where Planned Parenthood sits has a tangible darkness. Watching women go in for an abortion or come out of probably having one broke my heart, both for the death of an innocent child and for whatever fear or pressure caused the woman to make this decision. Discouragement and fear are easily felt when woman after woman refuses to talk with us, passerby's jeer, and countless prayers seem to go unanswered. Through this, God began speaking to me about His light sovereign amidst darkness. The darkness may seem pervasive, but He already holds the victory. He's teaching me to pray in confidence, yet continually cry out in pain over the death of innocent children through abortion.
I greatly appreciate the Zoe leadership team! Made up of two women and two men (all students!) They faithfully lead the walks every week. They are intentional about encouraging anyone who comes along. Whether its your first prayer walk or hundredth, they touch base with you after we come back to campus. The Zoe president, Preethi, has a heart that burns with God's fire for life. She truly pours her heart, strength and mind before the Lord as a sacrifice to fight for the life of both unborn and pregnant mothers. Preethi has taught me so much about passion, joyful service and courageous proclamation of the gospel.
What appeared
now alive
for life existed
resurrected after
cold and storm
Never before have I been among so many people preparing to serve the Lord among the unreached! This is one of the biggest reasons I love going to Moody: a community of those who desire to make God's name known to the ends of the earth, even in the harshest mission fields- until the name of Jesus is known among every nation and tongue- gathers together.
God is extravagantly kind. He cares to answer the "little" prayers with "simple" blessings, just because He is GOOD.
I was given the privilege of representing Uganda in MBI's flag ceremony! Every year, the school hosts Founder's Week, a few days of Biblical teaching and worship. Dozens of alumni attend the event along with students, and families of both. The goal is edifying the church, then spurring it on to devoted service.
Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya
My sweet friend and fellow photography lover, Shari, from St. Vincent!
one concludes
bringing tears
heavy heart
even here another
begins, beckoning
excitement and
adventure. both
together, a paradox
of emotions
grieving but
rejoicing. o Lord
hold me, for
I cannot grasp
both, but
You are able.
i see you
still vibrant
as i
you shine
provoking hope
i let you
fall for
a time
to prove
even above
one day,
stand as revived
a testimony
to tell
of the one
who fell
but not to
stay down
Little India (where I go for church and PCM)
By the generosity of Subkah Sahaara, I was welcomed to go on their church retreat! At that time, I was praying seriously about joining the church, but felt hesitant due to the hour commute. How could I get involved and serve when so limited in the times I could go out to the church? However, the God of all peace canceled this fear during Subkah's retreat. The church embraced me into their midst like a member of the family. Never once did I feel excluded or pushed to the side; rather, I felt wanted. God has been using the kindness, prayers and acceptance of Subkah Sahaarda to minister to me since the first time I attended one of their services. Praise the Lord for His body!
I think God has a sense of humor. My mom found this dress at a clothing pantry. I wore it to Subkah Sahaara, my new home church, on Sunday and found out from the Indian pastors that the dress comes from India! Who knew God would use clothing as a piece of confirmation for a home church selection?
What a gift to spend time in nature during the retreat!
but a shell...
story to tell
Sojourner: Wandering about, dwelling where one does not belong. Existing in tension- the already and not yet. Never at home where laying down one's head. A pilgrimage, a journey towards rest.
Living, existing, dwelling
not belonging;
looking- ever looking
Beyond. Still here
in a journey, wandering.
Driven about by senseless wind?
Or measured steps
focused on a goal-
Where? When? Gaze beyond
Ever here, but not
An international friend and I walked to the river and made her first snowman!
Visiting the Christmas market...
God answered heart-deep prayers for someone who understands the hardest parts of my story. Through Journey Together, MBI's mentorship program, I began to meet with Kerena. She has been a blessing, joy, sister and role model beyond words! She exudes God's joy, expressionate color, love for life, passion for women to know abundant life in Christ, and fervant fire. Kerena has shown me gentleness, incredible kindness and unconditional love as she's listened to and prayed with me. Having her friendship shows me the importance of walking with other women passionately pursuing Christ. If you are looking for a mentor or godly friend, ask the Lord. Don't giving up praying for this person, because God designed us for deep connection and He is pleased when His children walk together, encouraging one another with His Word.
My family got to come for MBI's Christmas Candlelight Carols!
Afterwards, I headed back to MI with family to see Arise Collective's show Pilgrim. This creative rendition of Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan is both birthed and maintained by the Holy Spirit! A group of homeschooling families felt God's call to create the show a few years ago. Now they've done over 162 performances! I was moved at a spiritual level watching representations of spiritual battle, walking on the narrow road, and God's constant presence. I strongly encourage you to check out Arise Collective at their website ( They will be filming the production this year in order to make the message of Pilgrim widely available, particularly to prisons and closed countries.
Beside the show itself, the team doing the production seeks to minister to audiences. They shared testimonies after the performance, then stayed to meet people and pray together. Mom, Luka and I stayed for probably two hours after the show, swapping testimonies with members of the cast and praying over each other.
I am praying God opens the door for Pilgrim to come to MBI. Not only would it encourage and challenge the student body and faculty, but would also provide an outreach for invited guest who do not know Christ. Please pray that God shows me who to talk with on the MBI side. Arise Collective has shown enthusiastic interest in coming as soon as the door opens!
The semester has been jam-packed! God proved repeatedly how good He is! He already opened doors for next semester: study abroad in Greece during Spring break, joining the leadership team for Zoe, beginning to serve at Subkah Sahaara and joining their women's Bible study, and growing relationships. Please pray that God humbles me and teaches me to seek first His kingdom.
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