My little world

Recently, while studying for an English paper, I came across an article about the benefits of photography as a hobby.  This article challenged readers to find one object and take a picture of that object in an new way every day for a good amount of time (a month, or even a year).  To a degree, I took that challenge to heart.  Often, when I need to get fresh air or am even having a bad day, I grab my camera and begin taking pictures of random objects around the house.  This activity helps me increase skills by finding beautiful angles, lighting, or lines to make ordinary objects extraordinary wonders.  So without further ado, here's a brief gallery of my "around the house" album.

"Stage of In-Between"
Somewhere on the border of fall's colors and winter's wonderland, this frosted leaf found its way into my awareness.  The story behind this picture- real life difficulty of navigating "grey space" with no clear directions or short solutions- is so real to me both from my own journey and that of others.

"Back to the Wind"
Contrary to the public opinion, yeah for cold weather!  I got some of my family members to come on a walk with me.  My sister's pose in this shot speaks so much: of cringing in self-defense against whatever wind may be blowing at us, or feeling small against a larger picture, or even weariness at the journey which takes many a step.  Yet at a distance, what beauty can be seen in such a scene!

"Neon Vine"

"Lines of Awe"
Sunsets have always astounded me.  I love photographing silhouettes against the vibrant colors melting into each other.

"A team"
I can hold up your back, you can support mine.
Through dark days and windy rides we'll be each other's spine.  
I take your hand and speak a comforting word.  
You show your love in a hug when no joy is heard.  
But in rejoicing we'll dance together, 
knowing our friendship lasts forever.  
There may be seasons we feel apart;
 but through each chapter you're in my heart.

Often we feel we must hide behind an act- being one part of us while denying the others which people determine "less than" or "unworthy".  But why can't we strive to find a balance between the praised characteristics we hold, scars from our battles and flaws we possess?  This doesn't mean holding up wrong actions or behaviors in pride.  Rather, it means growth as we realize humbly what makes us who we truly are and, hence, how we can display that in a beautiful combination.


Our past cannot be ignored.  It makes us who we are!  My dad recently said, "Your life story isn't just what happens to you.  It's what you believe, how you act, and what thought patterns you possess as a result of what you've been through".  We can either hide our shadows or find peace with the past through sharing it with close friends.  Shadows make each person complex and unique.  Your story holds power which can touch as well as inspire other lives.

I love this picture!  On a surface level it totally speaks to the power in natural frames.  Going deeper, it tells of the circles of influence all around you.  Everything will influence a person, for better or for worse.  However, taking conscious effort to choose what you desire to chase down gives us power to form world views- the "frame" through which we see the world.

I took quite a while to come up with a name for this photo.  Looking at it, I came to a place of asking myself, "what do you see here?".  Then it hit me: I see a colony, a togetherness where each member is appreciated as their own person but also part of the greater picture.  This really speaks to my home in Uganda.  The village I'm blessed to be a part of, particularly our youth group, gives me a colony to take part in.  By walking through times before this of not having a tribe to call my own, I realize what a blessing this is!

"Colony Part 2"

"Still Alive"
Amidst the rocks,
Places of hard surface,
Among the leaves
Dead to their purpose,
Into a world unnoticing
A delicate thing
Emerged into the sun.

So frail it began
In innocence rose up.
Through pain it came to understand
A life far from fair.
Yet it grew.

With tears falling
Times of laughing
Groans in pain
Victory's refrain.
Still it pushed on, 
brave from dusk to dawn
Though doubting itself at times
Despite all this, it's still alive.

"Pushing through"
This photo also depicts the above poem quite well.

"Hanging On"
The last of autumn leaves struck me this year as courageous, determined, tough as nails.  Even though they'd eventually fall, they held their place as long as possible.  That's perseverance!

"Uphill climb"

I often appreciate others for how they positively affect me.  So many wonderful people have reached out loving hands to me this difficult year.  Their imprint on my life, a sort of shadow left after they extend kindness towards me, makes me ponder what kind of an imprint I leave on others.

Tree branches will never reach the sky.  No matter how much growth you go through, how experienced or "tall" you become, there will always exist an expanse higher than you.  So why strive?  Someone spoke into this wondering, saying, "strive to be the best version of YOU you can be".

At times, being surrounded feels threatening, intimidating or suffocating.  By navigating this myself, and speaking with others who pass through similar experiences, I've learned to cope with being surrounding by two practices.  For one, learn to live where you're at.  Maybe it's impossible to move right now, so find things that give you joy or contentment in this space.  Second, seek "holes" in that surrounding wall that remind you you're not suffocating.  This may take place in listening to the stories of others who have passed through similar situations or doing another activity that reminds yourself there's light at the end of the tunnel, even when you can't see it.


"Hollow vision"
Ever feel like a window shoved in the corner, not in the window space you're "supposed" to be in?  You're certainly not alone.  While I have no real answer for the grappling of desiring to be something you're not, I find comfort in trying to remind myself I'm not alone in that space.

"Beautiful There"
As hinted previously, you're the only YOU that could ever exist.  No one else possesses the unique amount of experiences, strengths, passions and even flaws that make the person we call YOU.  Your texture creates beauty in the atmosphere where you stand by adding something new and original.  


"Sitting on the Edge"
Some people warned me teen life provides difficulty.  However, I didn't fully believe this until I walked through high school years myself.  So I want to speak to all you teens: we are in a tricky space.  One of transition between a child under the protection of parents and an individual with their own opinions, beliefs and space.  Please, be patient with yourself, openly curious on this wild ride.  

"Bountiful Border"
In between
Not one or the other.
Maybe seen
By sister or brother, 
But not truly belonging
to either side
on right and left spanning
out quite wide.
Making their own tribe
a quilt of many pieces,
They dance to their own vibe.
They know well practice of releases;
Moving back and forth
Between one side and the other
yet their course
stay strangely in between.

"Colors inside the Grey"
This year I challenged myself to branch out and learn, by observation and interaction, more about personalities different than mine.  At first I grappled with how to best converse in a meaningful way.  But slowly, I began to see vibrant colors in people very different than me.  Those colors present beauty in their own way.  I'm thankful for that!



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