Winter Wonderland


My, my this entry's a bit late to launch itself!  However, I hear the principle "better late than never" many times, so I stand upon it now.  The following are, as you might already guess, pictures and thoughts about the many beauties I saw in winter.  With spring now on our minds, I hope you don't mind taking a moment to reflect on the season past and how it relates to moving forward.

"Traveling Alone"
Self explanatory title, but when it comes down to it, I believe the title is only self explanatory because so many of us have traveled solo.  We make a lonely trail of footprints in the snow behind us.  We hear the whistling of wind, but only that fills our ears.  At times, exhaustion may crush one down the point in which he/she feels like the dead leaf in this picture.  Now... pause!  This leaf, though dead and alone, touched me.  I saw it, then stopped.  Because it made me think.  It gave me a point from which to reflect on my own life.  Although you may feel lonely, you never know the amount of people which might take hope from seeing your footprints, knowing that you woke up each morning and kept moving forward.

"Stain the Plain"
I often feel, sadly, that those of us who have a rainbow of unusual colors within are pressured to keep those hues inside and act "normal".  There's many voices screaming at us to fit in, to be like everyone else so that that "everyone else" will accept you.  I struggle with these voices myself.  Keeping your vibrant colors inside- whether it be talents, style or mindset- proves as easy as containing bursting fireworks underneath the surface.  They beg to be released and brighten the world.  Some people have stepped into my life recently who found this rainbow inside.  Then, they did something unexpected.  They celebrated the colors!  They encouraged the uniqueness.  This picture reminds me of their affirmations.  If you're hiding fireworks inside, let 'em loose!  Let's start staining the plain.

"Innocent Joy"
I love this little guy!  Makai brightens my every day.

As I examine this shot, I see two interpretations of the covered flower.  For one, I see covered in a sense that the flower goes unseen.  Snow blocks it out.  On the other hand, I see something covered in the sense that it's blanketed with protection.  Either way, a bit of flower still peaks out.  If you resonate with feeling covered in a smothered sense- you believe you're unseen and unheard- remember that no one can ever completely shut you out.  Use that voice!  However, if you feel like there's a part of you unprotected, take a moment to realize all the people and places which do throw and blanket of safety over you.

"Light at the End of a Tunnel"
Credits to a good friend for the title of this photo.  During a day that was hard for me, he said, "Remember that no matter how dark the tunnel you're traveling through now, there's a light at the end of it".  Still in the dumps, I shot back that I couldn't see any sign of light.  My friend calmly responded, "Just because you don't see the light, doesn't mean it's not there".  When one can't see the light, by no means does that deem them a lost cause.  It simply means that they have some more steps to take before they come in sight of the finish line.

"Snowy Home"
One of my favorite things to say of late is, "The birds are still chirping outside".  No matter how cold the weather, how harsh the storm blows, how long the night was, how much pain you might be in.  Lend your ear to the great outdoors.  The birds still chirp outside.  They speak to the hope that life continues, and drops gentle encouragements for those willing to look for such.

"Frostbite fingers"
This plant grows all over in west Michigan woods.  Throughout the winter, each stalk held snow tuffs with delicate hands as long as the snow cared to stay.  Now, Frostbite Fingers is my third culture kid (TCK) encouragement for this blog entry.  As TCKs, we hold onto those in our lives.  Not only people but also homes and memories.  As people leave or we move, it feels as if the beautiful snow has melted, leaving us with frostbitten fingers and sad hearts.  Very likely there's a hint of fear the next time you reach out to hold onto the next person who walks into your life.  Something I remind myself during that fear is that no matter how many times I may be left with frostbitten fingers, I've held the beauty of snow.  And the love I'm filled with before the goodbye is worth any sting afterwards!

"Snowy Skirts"
Picture subjects need not capture things seen once in a life time.  On the contrary, photography (and other art styles) aid one's appreciation of the small wonders surrounding them everyday!  Art forces one to search the world around them for the beauty present.

Icy times occur in relationships.  The cold makes pursuing that person much harder, if not, nearly impossible.  As one who's passed through icy times before, I now try to consider those periods as an opportunity to evaluate the relationship.  What are my reasons for staying in this relationship?  Am I willing to fight to remain at peace with this friend?  Do they really mean something to me?  Or is this a friendship I need to take a step away from? 

Together under a blanket of snow
Trying to stay warm by the heat of your love
I come close to your heart
And remember the many days together
Spent under the sun's smiling face
With birds singing their approval to our joy
Recall, those memories live even now
They keep us snuggled through the storm.

A friend once pointed out to me that most people attempt to fit others into boxes.  Nice little compartments that make people easily containable.  As a result, many people find themselves passing and receiving judgements under stereotype measures or names.  You might be the pastor's kid, the athletic one, the one who's not good at school, the computer geek.  However, this friend challenged me: if you dislike other people labeling you in order to fit you into a nice, containable box, why would you do the same thing to others?

"Rusty Tears"
This picture goes out to all of those who feel their many tears go unheard, unseen.  Who want to scream, or maybe only have the energy to whisper, "How long will it hurt this much?".  

"Yet Peeking"
I understand that Yet Peeking isn't today's typical English grammar.  But these delicate branches show me the quiet strength of one who's smothered in hardship, yet continues living.  By waking up every morning and accepting life, they grow.  Growth in inevitable because of their bravery to live; we are not stagnant creatures.  Hopefully this plant can remain as symbol of the bravery of those who are yet peeking above their struggles- your courage does not go unseen.


"Long Walk into the Water"
A long dock.  Snow covered.  Seems to go nowhere but a dead end in brush and water.  I thought so too.  Yet when I look at this photo a second time, I see a journey going into adventure.  Into the unknown new places of one's life.  Unknowns are frightening!  They put us in a place of vulnerability.  At the same time, though, traveling into the unknown brings us to new places.  Spaces of learning.  Growing in knowledge, experience and character.  

Disoriented, discombobulated, scattered, off balance.  Times of chaos, especially in change or business, become days when one feels these emotions.  As a perfectionist and people-pleaser, visiting such spaces is not rare for me.  I am guilty of becoming quite hard on myself when I don't get all the loose strings tied into nice bows for everyone else.  Often, though, in the process I never tied my own loose ends together.  So here I'm reminded of a plea given to me by a very wise individual: Be gracious with yourself and be exactly where you're at.  Whatever you do today is enough.

"Frozen Fingerprint"
I could've stared at this frosty puddle all day!  So many things can be seen in such a wonder.  One of the things I'm reminded of, from this angle, is the impact each human has on others.  I recently attended a group activity.  Part of the discussion consisted of mentioning someone you impact in a good way.  A few of the others attending thought about this prompt for a moment, then responded, "I don't impact anybody".  That statement made me think.  Is it possible to go through life without impacting anyone?  I don't believe so.  No matter how invisible one might feel or try to be, they still take up space in the world.  You speak, move about, and develop a life style.  You leave a finger print, frozen into society.  This fact might explain the importance behind the trite question: what kind of an impact do you want to leave on others?

"Sun and bubbles"
Doesn't this photo just make you happy?  But the question which follows, for me, is why?  What about bubbles, sun and fun shapes give such a sense of bliss?  After some thought, I come the conclusion that the joy comes from connecting one to what could be called their "inner child".  The part of you that wishes to be carefree.  That appreciates the little things.  That experiences instead of overthinking.  Now a follow-up challenge: when was the last time you allowed yourself to have a moment to be a child again?  And why not do so?!

"A Line"
Sometimes the simplest things speak better to one than complex theories.  A line- what might be so great about that?  To me, it shows a road.  A path one must travel on.  As they travel, they have two options.  One is to look around and see the paths other people travel on, then to become jealous and start complaining about the direction or conditions of their own road.  The other option consists of reminding oneself of the fact that this direction is the direction they need to head right now, regardless of where others stroll.

"Just a Shadow"
The boots are there, but the person... not entirely.  Her shadow stands by.  Yet the individual does not show up in the picture.  This puts a new twist on "judging a book by its cover".  Too often we see the shadow of the person next to us, without taking the time to turn the camera and view the actual human.  We see the surface of others, then somehow feel content with that.  But what about the deeper parts?  The actual features that detail a person and make them unique?  To each their own choice: getting to know the shadow of others or really taking time to see the smile.

"Decorated Days of Old"
Take some time today to recall some great memories!

"Somewhere inside"
Somewhere within, yet trapped inside this ball.  The light dim.  The atmosphere dreary.  Maybe this happens to be the place you find yourself right now.  Know that you need not put a mask over this pain all day long.  Reach out to those people around you who will let you be where you are.  Because wherever you're at is OK.

"Stuck in a Silver Kingdom"

"Lost Christmas"
Traditions might change.  People come and go.  Family may look different this year than the last.  Next time change effects a big occasion in your life, give yourself the freedom to look at the "tree" of last year reflecting in the window.  Each person's grief looks different and takes varying amounts of time to lessen.  So grant yourself the space of sadness without forgetting to then turn and celebrate the tree in your house now.

Ah, the joys of excitement when no stress surrounded getting ready for big days.  Anxiety and depression give their hosts quite a run for their money in the period of anticipation.  First, I want to affirm those of you who do find yourself in that cycle- it's hard!  But, you are stronger than you know.  You have passions and places of peace that will allow you to row your boat through the storm.  There's an eye to every hurricane, a place where you too can rest in child-like wonder.

"Little Eskimo"
My little eskimo
So sweet and dear
Bundled up so
Now appear
In the snow
Smile in place
Ready to go
At any pace
Slowing down
When wondering upon
Snowflake round
Or colors of dawn
Now speeding up
When chasing the wind
Across field you jump
Through thick and thin
Knowing your dreams
Lie ahead
Whether peaches'n'cream
Or turbulence instead
Care you not
So long as you go
Towards that spot
My dear little Eskimo

Succulents amaze me.  When you break off one piece of a succulent, then plant that piece in another pot of dirt, it grows!  People also amaze me.  I've met a good handful of individuals with very painful backgrounds.  Yet they took that piece of them which survived the attacks- the tiny glimmer of hope- and grew that up in a new place.  It started small, but now stands in a gentle- but bold- strength.

Downward pointing droop two lines
Crystals bumpy exist under cloudy skies
With no neighbors of their kind
To greet upon early morning times
They exist still, two crystals bumpy
Knowing it was their stories that made them lumpy
Now their textured transparency becomes
A tale to tell that encourages one.


  1. I found your second picture to be the most captivating. Hues of colors suppressed by gray tones. Your words are so profound Lydia, and I have no doubt that the Lord is using to bless others!

  2. Beautiful Lydia!! I always love reading your posts!


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