New Beginnings

 Hello once again friends.  Enjoy the sunrise if it's morning for you.  Appreciate blue skies if that is what's outside your window.  Look for the beautiful shades of grey if rainy clouds stare down at you.  Check the glowing moon if you're at the days end.

Now, onto business.  By suggestion of a dear friend, I'm beginning a new series.  A series of short blog posts, only a few pictures in length.  This gives ease to me as the writer (as well as allowing me to get more posts out there faster 😁) and allows you readers more time to process through the words coming your way.  I come into this chapter with no deadline.  I might continue this series only for the summer, or I might use it long term.  We're on an adventure to see what works best for both side.  I appreciate input and sincerely hope this series proves enjoyable for you!

"Bravely Budding"
One cautiously leaves its cocoon behind, estimating the big world before its eyes
It peeks, then peers, then thinks through every scenario that might go wrong this time
Many risks jump out at this delicate bud, cackling at its frailty preventing good tries
Attempts to raise up and take its place in a space of bigger, louder kinds.
But because of its beginnings, due to its home in prickly thorns, it rises
Faces the challenge head-on, making entrance in a burst of color sublime
Such bravery and great conviction beckon more to follow close behind
Here comes another and more after that, each one calling out to those of its kind,
"Come, come we have a place here.  Once we were scared by know we defy
Those fears so large.  Before our eyes they fall and we emerge into the light."

"Paddle Out of Water"
Feeling useless?  Purposeless?  Maybe like what you imagined yourself doing in life is way out of reach?  You identify with this paddle out of water.  Out of its element.  Away from the purpose it fancied itself made for.  However, the lonely paddle didn't know that it would become a part of a photo safari I conducted during a really hard day.  I needed this paddle to be where it sat, so that I might draw comfort from all amidst its situation I related to.  Similarly, you never know what purpose you're serving right now- even when your life feels meaningless.  Keep your eyes wide open, kindle willingness to explore, extend kindness to all... you never know which person might need you the most right where you are!

"A New Beautiful"
Personally, I think dandelions should be classified as a wildflower, not a weed!  But opinions aside, everyone knows dandelions come in two stages.  A bright yellow flower, then what my sister calls a "wishing poof"- the bundle of seeds waiting to be blown onwards.  I'm encouraged by this dual existence.  Each presents its own beauty that I quickly become excited upon seeing.  Similarly, I hold onto this reminder during rough days... knowing that no matter which stage my life is in (good or bad), there's so much beauty outside of my story.  Beauty in the grass surrounding me.  In the endless blue sky covering the expanse above.  In the bright rays of sun giving me warm hugs.  In the buzzing of bees and songs of birds.  In the laughter of a child.  In the colors of everything around me.  Next time you feel down, try to look at things outside of yourself that fill your heart with contentment.


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