Celebrate Her- Part Three


As I wrote this post, I realized that in reading the "she statements", we might begin to feel that we need to being doing more... and be doing all the time... in order to be who we desire to be.  However, when one reads deeper into these words, examining the meaning beyond surface level, they find that the phrases don't necessarily talk about doing.  They speak of a life style.  A character.  The woman Kobi Yamada depicts does all of these actions because it flows naturally out from her.  She does because she is.  She loves herself, appreciates the world, take advantage of life.  From this attitude naturally flows bravery, brilliance and beauty.  So please do not stress over doing!  Instead, give yourself grace to take a breath and be still.  See who you really are.  Allow that woman (or man!) to flourish into the best version of herself (or himself)!  Then kindness, courage and care will flow naturally from your heart as you go about your daily routine.

She colored her thoughts with only the brightest hues... Celebrate her optimism

She held her head high and looked the world straight in the eye... Celebrate her strength

She crossed borders recklessly, refusing to recognize limits, saying bonjour and buan giorno as though she owned France and Italy and the day itself... Celebrate her joie de vivre!

She was an artist and her life was her canvas... Celebrate her brilliance 

She ran ahead where there were no paths... Celebrate her bravery


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