Another Mini Series

 A while back when I asked you for feedback on my blog, a dear friend wrote to me, suggesting that I publish shorter posts.  "It's hard to take in everything you write, which saddens me because I want to take it all in," she told me.  Thankful for her words, I conducted a series of mini blog posts.  Now, a year later, I find myself in a season of life which makes me tired and drained.  Yet I desire to keep publishing posts!  This sparks a new mini series on Everyday Beautiful.  Each post in this series will contain only one of two pictures sharing beauty I found amidst my crazy, often tiring life... these images remind me life is beautiful, blessed and worth living.

So here we go...

Watching Makai pet, feed and squeal over our friends' rabbits made time stop.  I could focus only on him., his excitement for life- his own and other creatures'.  Too often I fly by neighbors, animals and plants without taking even a second to appreciate their presence.  Instead, I worry about getting school done perfectly, how I look, what I have and haven't done yet today, whether that person who's sick will recover... Fear chokes me.  Worry paralyzes me.  I forget that life is a miracleA completely baffling, beautiful miracle.  I want to remember that every day.  When I'm sitting with uncomfortable emotions or realities, I want to take a deep breath and marvel at the fact that I'm alive.  I want to go outside and see all of nature blooming in green lushness.  I want to hug my siblings, marveling at the blessing they are in my life.  I want to hear a bird singing and rejoice because that bird was created with the ability to provide the world with song.

Colors!  I'm more thankful for colors than I can say!  Unlike emotions, sizes or situations, we do not demoralize any color.  Each one has its place and purpose.  They fill the world for no purpose other than the joy they bring to souls which take time to notice them.  You too, friend, exist to bring joy to yourself and others.  You deserve to take up whatever physical and emotional space you require to exist.  Unlike colors, humans are not stagnant and will experience hard moments.  Think of your "good" moments and "hard" moments as colors.  Yes, there's space to acknowledge something hurts, just as we acknowledge a fabric is black or green.  However, hang in there!  Colors change throughout seasons; emotions change like waves.


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