Everyday Beautiful Anniversary

Two years ago, my mom turned to me during a walk.  "Why don't you start your own blog?" she asked.  "You talk all the time about how much you love taking pictures, and you're good at it.  Why not share those pictures with others?"  I brushed her off.  Me, start a blog?  No way!  Why would anyone want to see my photos?  No one would care what I had to say.  There are thousands of other blogs out there; no one would want mine.
But Mom's suggestion kept nagging at my heart.  I laid in bed that night, turning the idea over in my head.  What was stopping me from jumping into this adventure?  Fear.  Only fear.  Fear of what others would think, fear of failing, fear of rejection.  
What lay beyond the fear?  When I allowed myself to consider this with honest curiosity, I found the idea of a blog intrigued me.  What a wonderful outlet for creativity.  I could share my pictures and thoughts.  A blog provided me with a platform to post my poems.  I would have a tool to share lessons I was learning and truths I was passionate about.
Two years later... uploading photos, organizing layout, writing and editing, publishing the post, and letting you know about it have become a regular part of life.  Yet moments still occur when I'm blown away by the fact that I have a blog.  The fact you take time to look at these pictures and read these thoughts blows me away!  
Today, I'm coming back to the core message of the blog: beautiful blessings in every day.  I'm pausing to see the wonder in life around me; I hope you'll be reminded to slow down and appreciate the treasures in your life as well!

Makai goes through a great deal more effort to ascend stairs than I do.  Yet he is never daunted by the climb!  He reminds me to give thanks for what my body can do and never shy away from a task or relationship because of the effort it might take.  As my dad told me, the most beautiful views come after the hardest mountain hikes.

swing, girl
swing free
swing 'round
swing in song
in silence
stop and sit
stand and yell
swing like you
only you

Focus... it gives incredible depth and meaning to a photo.  Focus draws the eye to a subject, causing everything else to recede into the background.  I often focus upon getting "important" things done, thus pushing the people around me into the wait list for my attention.  Yet how much more precious to hold a baby in my arms than write the perfect essay.  How much better to laugh with my sister than put together the right outfit.  How much more meaningful to listen to a friend talk about their day than check off the last to-do list box.  People mean more and must take higher priority than success- always.

Rain on my plans
On my parade;
Come, clouds
Shadow my day;
Fear not the thunder,
O my soul;
Embrace lighting streaks,
stand bold.
Rain waters your roots,
Clouds cool the room,
Thunder invites a yell
from one's anger at doom,
Lighting reminds
your being to light
the darkness no matter
how short a time.

The vulnerability and delicateness of new life never ceases to amaze me.  Holding a newborn baby in my arms makes time stand still.  Cradling this young rabbit brought a moment of absolute calm to a chaotic day.  New life trusts, fights to live and embraces those who embrace them.  It both amazes and terrifies me what power I hold over the world's new comers.  Their life literally rests in my hands when I cradle them.  Yet not only with infants... each individual holds power over those around him or her.  Power to speak life or inflict wounds; to embolden them to chase their dreams or cause them to hide from the world; to provide friendship and belonging or make them doubt whether they will ever be loved.  That right there is loads of power.  Use your words wisely!

Share with me, and I with you
Do not stand alone, bring me too.
Let us leap through bright valleys
And discover unknowns seas
Or trudge through battlefields, 
Only stay close to me.
One strand breaks easily
Two holds on tighter
Three never snaps 
Though pressures get higher.
Stand by my side
In sun, wind and rain
During hurricanes and tornados
On the stillest of days.
I will hold your hand
When the earth quakes
And thunder like cannons
Makes your soul shake.
If we end in flowered fields,
then lie down and breathe
Deeply the peace of rest
Given to you and to me.
If we conclude the journey
In desert barren and hot
Then sit beside me
Our bond broken not.

Happy or sad
Joyfully dancing
Weeping in pain
Or screaming
Show that heart
On your sleeve
Or your face
Smile, leap, dance
Cry, yell, run

Moments of learning often prove humbling, making us avoid them unless forced to participate.  Even fewer times do we embrace the lesson!  Yet consider this: if you never learned, you would become stagnant.  A pebble, content to sit on the street without growth or new experience.  Growing may require a bit of pain, but it produces abundance.  Take time to listen to and learn what you do not know.  Thank those who teach you.  Embrace your growth.  It is never a failure to learn!  Those who claim they have nothing more to learn remain pebbles.  Those who humble themselves for a moment grow forests within their souls.


Peace.  Simply look at this picture and breathe in the calm.  Blow out stress and tension and worry building within you.  Breathe in the calm.  Peace.

Hmm, so this is you?
You look different from down here.
They said you marched around
With your head in the air
Confidence your crown and
The belle of every modern ball.
But I see tears on your lashes
And sorrow etched in your face
I notice brokenness there, 
Overcoming you like a hurricane.
Did you never let it out?
Have you tried to make
The wind and waves a poisoner?
Now you know the prisoner will
Always, without fail, escape.

Plants never fail to ground me.  Nature is a healing sanctuary.  I encourage you to notice the grass under your feet, the flower growing on a bush, a tree swaying in the wind.  Run your hands over a leaf or lay in the sun.  Feel nature.  Throw yourself into its embrace.

Who said little joys are actually little?  Seeing this Volkswagen van brightened my entire day!  If "small" things bring you joy, then heck, let that joy come!

What if's
Possibilities creeping
Suffocating breath
Sends you hiding
Run, run, run
Bury yourself under
Avoid the world

Similar to my previous thought about people taking priority above material success, this photo reminds me of the power of interaction.  A smile, a greeting, a conversation holds power to change another's day.  I know for certain the smiles and laughter of children in my village brighten even depression-saturated days for me.

I pause here, finding the words to say what I want about the following pictures are beyond my reach.  So I leave the remainder of the photographs for you to appreciate on surface and/or deep levels.  The rest of the post is your space.

For any fellow sufferer out there today, I see you.  You are worth fighting through another day.  You are growing even in this painful space.



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