All the Feels

 You might want to run away from your device as soon as I bring up the topic for this post... but I urge you to sit through any discomfort rising up.  I prelude today's post this way because I'm showing through pictures how to "feel all the feels", or approach your emotions instead of avoiding them.  I've seen in my own and countless others' lives that we chase "positive" emotions: happiness, love, peace, joy, success, confidence.  However, when "negative" emotions arise (anger, hatred, shame, sadness, grief, discomfort), we reach for our emergency escape button no matter what we have to step over on the way to it. 
Now I'm gonna turn your world on its head: what if emotions are not negative or positive?  What if they each serve a specific, necessary purpose?  What if in order to have the capacity to feel pleasant emotions, we have to feel uncomfortable ones as well?
I recently read The Giver, and was deeply intrigued by the idea of utopia portrayed in the book. The utopia contained no pain, no memories, no colors, no choices.  Everything followed a set pattern from which no one deviated.  They could not be sad.  BUT they could not rejoice or love from the heart either. 
It's truly a choice.  Are you willing to acknowledge and work through uncomfortable emotions so that you can deeply feel pleasant ones?  Or will you numb yourself to the entire spectrum?
Because I personally understand the daunting aspect of this idea, I wanted to end by sharing photos which speak to some of the best ways I've found to approach my own spectrum of feelings.  Everyone is unique and what works for me may not work for you.  Nor am I a licensed professional who can provide a higher level of assistance.  But I am a human who lives in this world and feels the joy, pain, anger, love, discomfort, fear, excitement... and all in between.

You'll long to hide from certain truths which disturb the way you operate.  Don't.  Face the flaws, slowly and gently.

Know we have a story and history which affect how we react to the present.  We cannot remain in the past, but we do need to visit it occasionally to understand our present.

Think of emotions like art.  Each one tells you a story. 

Give yourself times of rest, because emotional work is challenging

Nothing about this process is perfect.  It's an art, not a formula.

No emotions are off limits.  Be honest with yourself and others you trust.

Handle each feeling with patience and understanding.  It's human to face emotions.  Thus, getting angry at yourself for an unavoidable phenomenon only wears you down.

Honestly about emotions requires courageous vulnerability.  You're so brave!

Recognize the hope and values you hold and use them as an anchor when things feel awful.  Remember: you're still alive!

Emotions are like waves, they rise then fall.  No emotion will remain with you forever.  You could also think of them like costumes.  You'll fully identify with the one you're "wearing", but no one stays in a costume forever.  There are dress changes throughout the drama of your life.


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