
As this year comes to a close, I wanted to share a mini photo gallery of my experience over the last twelve months. I will share thoughts about some photos but leave others to speak (or remain silent) for themselves. Why? Because every year is a mix of sorrow, joy, wins, losses, breathtaking moments and deep pits. I want to respect holding space for all experiences, emotions and situations by having a paradox of my own in this post.

Lights blurred by a foggy window greeted me with the eve of last year. They mimicked my reality of not knowing where the year would take me. Aside from spending time with my dear family, I had no plans set. I wondered over the options: school, travel, returning to Uganda, staying in MI.  The open-endedness simultaneously terrified and comforted me. As I enter 2023, I find myself with the same blurry view. Possibilities take fuzzy shapes. I know not which ones, if any, I will reach. As I learned last year, rather than attempting to make things take sharp, planned focus, I rest in prayer and staying present. 

And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
From Ephesians 6

The load may feel heavy now. You may need to carry it for some time. But know just as snow melts, your load will not remain the same forever. You will learn endurance. You will grow. You will find needed vigor in the spring. Yes, there will be winter loads again. But you will survive!

I encourage you, as one guilty and victim of this myself: avoid seeing people in black and white stereo types. Every human is an entire book, not simply the cover. Acknowledge when you don't know the whole story, give grace, and be open to meeting people different than you!

Masks are cool, but not in real life. Be real with yourself and others concerning how you're doing. I promise, sharing honestly with a trusted individual brings relief!

Those stairs
So high
Crane my neck
Cannot see
The top
Too far
Might I drop
if I try
I cannot
No, friend,
you can
one step
at a time.

Simple beauties exist all around. Find one simple color, sound, texture or experience to give thanks for each day.

No shame in feeling fear, my dear
We all face it one time or another.
But don't hide forever, dear
You're made to grow beyond
This tiny window hole
Dance in this world of color
Living in celebration of each dawn
Craving adventure, not control.

Get curious!

You are allowed to hold both your struggles and your victories. There's room in your life for both.

"This is not goodbye, it's just I love you to take with you until we're home again" -Sidewalk Prophets
I love this line. Through many goodbyes this year to dear friends, not knowing the next time I would see them, I needed a comfort to which I could cling. I choose to remember that, though I experience pain, I have memories to hold onto and wonderful individuals I can hope to see again. I chose to love despite the pain of goodbyes.


Growth may looks crazy.... and it's still growth. <3

Growth may mean facing old beliefs, habits and grief.... and it's worth it. 💗

Others may tell you growth is impossible in your dreary circumstance.... but they're wrong. You become the strongest during the harshest conditions. 💕

Sometimes one must get wet to grow.... thank God for each drop that is doing something inside of you.


"Hold her tonight, O God, would you hold her tonight? 'Cause I'm not there to stay close, keep watch, tell her she's not alone. Hold her tonight!" -For King and Country

Your reservoir
May be small
Seem inadequate
You wonder
How it can
Get you through
The season.
It is still
A reservoir.

Take advantage of any struggle, victory or stunning reality which gives you a chance to look at life from a different perspective.

The sun shines its brilliance through the holes, the brokenness, the flaws.
God's grace is made perfect in your weakness.

Beauty among the thorns

Hard work rarely looks glamorous.
Yet it pays off.
Maybe not today
Or not in the "right way".
It might be rough.
Uniquely it will be glorious.

If all you did this year was survive... without accomplishments or ample joys to speak of... I applaud you. You have been strong. You are still here.

a place
slow down
where we


I have been struck several times this year by the innocence of new life.


So thankful for all the colors in my life this year!

your scars tell
a story. don't
hide them 
away tell that 
story to those 
listen. one 
of them needs 
to hear 

One final word: no matter how amazing and strong you are, remember you still need rest.

Happy New Year!



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