
Recently I became friends with Kokas' wife, Martha. (Kokas is another friend of mine) I began to drop by to chat with Martha, who was often bored at home because she lives far from her family, is the only one to do household chores, and has only one child who is often elsewhere playing with friends. Because she was pregnant, I loved to ask Martha about her baby. This always made her smile. God used our growing relationship to encourage Martha and me alike. 
Come July, Martha shared with me that she was seven months pregnant, the same number of months at which she had her first born, George. 
Only two weeks later, an excited neighbor told me that Martha had just had her baby!

I grabbed the baby clothes I'd bought as a gift and rushed over to Martha's house. The baby had come fast and no one had been at home with her, so Martha bravely endured a home birth- alone. The neighborhood grandma and two other ladies arrived not long after the baby emerged into the world. They helped Martha finish the delivery process. I found the crew still cleaning up and holding a swaddled, precious infant, whose gender was not yet known.

After rushing home to tell my parents the news and pick up some supplies that Martha didn't have, I returned to find a baby GIRL! I was so proud of Martha for enduring through such a tough experience. She didn't want to give birth this way, but she told me how she'd prayed throughout labor. She thanked me for also praying, saying that God had answered our prayers.

I cannot give words to the wonder of holding a baby only a couple hours old! She wriggled her tiny body in my arms. Her nose, eyes, mouth, hair, forehead... everything sculpted perfectly. The innocence and delicateness, yet strength of life astounded me. Psalm 139 came to mind; God whispered into my heart, "I created this child with power and perfection. I saw her before anyone knew she existed. I created her in the depths, lovingly knitting together each cell. I have a wonderful plan for her and I love her." I drew in an awestruck breath, then drew in another at realizing that God speaks the same words over me! What a wonderful, holy, powerful God that intricately creates each man and woman! My new prayer is to see every individual through this amazing lenses.

Mom and Emalai came to visit baby. Emalai stayed outside the hut initially, because she was frightened and confused by the hustle of ladies cleaning up. However, she visited with me later in the week, held baby girl and spoke nonstop to her. 

Makai loves "the new baby". Whenever he's around her, he's always trying to bop her nose or tickle her feet.

How precious!

The very day after her birth, baby girl was very alert.

Though I'm not sure of the accuracy of the seven months Martha claimed to be at, baby girl's tiny physique testifies to an earlier-than-due date delivery.

No matter what month she was born at, baby girl deserves to live. She filled the room with wonder. She touched my heart. She brought hope with the newness of her life.
Contemplating this later in the night, I found myself crying. Women at the same point of pregnancy as Martha are having abortions- even today! How could anyone kill a child's precious life? I grieve for mothers who don't know they have another option, or who are frightened into choosing abortion. I grieve for women forced to have an abortion though they desperately desire to save their baby's life. I grieve for fathers who tried to save their babies, but could not. I hurt for pregnant women who have no support system. I am angered that sin blinds the eyes of thousands across the world, hindering them from seeing the value of life. God, open the eyes of Your people! Let us be fighters for life!

After spending five days without a name, baby girl has one! Meet Apeso Lydia Faith!



  1. So sweet! What a precious baby and what a precious writing by a very precious girl! Lydia you are a joy and your writing is so sincere and from the heart. You bless my heart and the hearts of many others. Now you have a baby who carries your name how cool is that!


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