
Thousands of thanks to God Almighty, because He has done great healing in my life! On previous trips to Michigan, I allowed myself to be plagued with bitterness. This took my eyes off the blessings of wonderful people, changing of seasons, hot showers and other conveniences. But on the visit my family and I recently took to Michigan, I saw God redeem my selfishness for healing that brings glory to Him! I hope you can enjoy getting a peak into my family's time in Michigan, knowing God used this time to humble, correct, rebuke and heal me.

Sometimes just getting to the airplane is a doozy. We were kicked off our flight the morning of our scheduled departure. My poor parents spent hours on the phone trying to buy other tickets or get repaid for the ones we lost. After a stressful day, we ended up at a mall- some of us still in our pajamas- sitting down to a 3 pm lunch. With help from a missionary friend, we were able to re-secure our tickets for a higher price.
I'm so thankful that God is faithful, kind and strong during stressful times. He kept our car running when we rushed towards the airport, gave us kids joy to sing on the car ride, provided a relaxing afternoon before going to the airport, and gave us one of the best airport experiences we've ever had.

After two nine-ish hour flights and a three hour drive, with little time in between, we reached Michigan. Thank you, God, for safety!

We spent a delightful Saturday with cousins at Dutch Village, where Grant Me Hope was raising funds for their work with foster children.

no matter
where i go
high or low
i know
my family
is with me
to my days

And after Dutch Village... an evening at Lake Michigan!

Speaking of lakes, we soon visited Scram Lake where my maternal grandparents live.

Although most consider dandelions only weeds, I will always see them as radiant bursts of glorious yellow brightening the world- or as hopes and dreams floating on white, puffy wings, looking for a place to take root.

Coming from Uganda where nearly everyone is a farmer, Makai didn't understand the concept of adults going to work for the day. He decided one time to sit and wait for our uncle to come home, even though it was only ten o'clock in the morning!

Still waiting...

OK, I think we can find something else to do now. This guy doesn't seem to be moving along very fast :)

Some of our friends own an apple orchard. Unfortunately, their apple crop this year was damaged by hail; thus, they were not allowed to sell the apples. They gave us and our cousins oodles of big, crispy apples. My grandmother came up with an idea to give the rest to low income families living in a trailer park as a means of inviting these folks to church.

The humor of using a pot as a fun mirror...

And even better- your grandpa buying an actual fun mirror!

While considering the fun mirror, I can't help but remember a trusted person saying to me, "We are each our own worst critic. We don't see ourselves as we really are." How true! Sin has distorted our view of self. Instead of praising God for who He made us to be- wonderful reflections of who He is, made for a specific work- pride takes over. Pride does not always look like boasting about oneself. Another, sneaky kind of pride may creep into someone perceived to be humble. 
First, please note that humility means making God higher and submitting ourselves meekly to Him. Humility is NOT self-condemnation! Self condemning thoughts are lies of devil, for there is no condemnation for the children of God. Each one of us has the choice to reject these lies. Without explicitly and definitively rejecting the condemnation as a lie, the thought lingers. Lingering leads to normalizing, which leads to believing. Believing the lie that you need to better yourself in any way is pride, because you think you know better than God who made you perfectly for His work.
Rejecting the lies is a difficult task, requiring endurance, perseverance and trusting in the Lord. As one walking this journey, I don't make the pretense that I know everything or do it right. I write this as a call to myself and you to reject the lie that you are in any way inherently wrong, then hold fast to God's truth. Let Him tell you who you are in Christ. His word is an accurate mirror!

Makai absolutely loved the parks in MI! He asked to go play at one every day.

Prickly I be
without but
within am
light to 
the touch
defend myself
scare others
but empty
longing for
to stay

I love the colors of pumpkins! There was a lovely pumpkin and produce stand down the road from our house. My parents, Grace and I enjoyed a few fun walks there.

the same;

let us look
to the Son 
as a sunflower
the lesser one

So thankful for these women <3

Makai found treasures while mom and I shopped garage sales.

Our uncle took his inflatable pool down, so Makai and Emalai decided to make their own aquatic fun.

One of my absolute favorite days in MI was picnicking and swimming at Lake Michigan with Grace, Emalai, Makai and Mom. We enjoyed the wonder of fall colors on the way. Moreover, we got the beach to ourselves and enjoyed playing with an avocado floatie that someone had left behind.

I enjoyed time with two dear missionary friends who were willing to drive in from out of state!
What I appreciate most about these two girls is their devotion to God; they bring me back to the Father whenever we talk!

Additionally, God blessed me through time together with three sweet friends from Michigan. Karly, the friend above, and I even did a podcast together, talking about where we're at and the next chapters of our lives.
(Find the episode at Healthy and Holy)

Makai loves warm baths in an actual bathtub. He took one almost every day.

Unity Christian school welcomed Luka and even let him play football.

even in
the rain

Grace got back into her summer job as a barista for a month. Our entire family appreciated 317 coffee!

Fun (and cold!) time with grandparents

Three generations of Shaarda men

Taking pictures for Grace's birthday in my dad's woods.

We may be different as can be
One solid the other delicately
made with tiny veins; colored
as sun and night; man made
of rubber or God ordained.
Brought together, stuck fast,
though some see contrast 
We decide upon unity.

When coldness hindered him being in the water, Makai decided it was time to get on the water... we took a paddleboat ride in the sprinkling rain.

at the
for elsewhere
it is

Mom and I took a quick trip to Chicago to revisit Moody Bible Institute. I wanted to see the campus again and got a scholarship prize for doing so as an applicant.

Applying to college is a huge step of faith for me! However, Moody Bible Institute (MBI) makes me excited for the next step in my education. The leaders, faculty, and students are on a mission to be transformed by God's word, then take that Word to the nations. To them, "Christian" is not a label but a life style.

God certainly provides abundant blessings! Mom and I met a wonderful waiter during our early supper. He told us he prays over each table he waits upon and views his job as a mission. God had taken his life and turned it completely around, making this man a living testimony of joy and love in Christ.

I love the mom God has given me! She's so strong, faithful, virtuous, passionate and unbending in her devotion to truth. Spending a day in Chicago with her was a treat!

make music
see color
look up
chaotic noise
lifeless grey
defeated gaze

Mary, our neighbor the last time we had been in Michigan, kindly took us and our cousins bowling.

Grace and I got to attend a Right to Life Grand Rapids banquet with our maternal grandparents.
By God's grace, all four of us are extremely passionate for defending life from conception to death. Seeing hundreds of others defending the dignity of life even in the womb encouraged me greatly.
The main speaker of the night, actor Kevin Sorbo, spoke of various wars, highlighting that wars can be won, but must be fought. He called upon fellow believers in Christ Jesus to war against the genocide of abortion. "What must God think when we decide that God's gift of life is discardable and therefore end it before that human being made in God's image ever takes a breath outside the womb?"
I refer to his speech with compassion for women facing pregnancy riddled with unknowns, fears, lack of support and physical need. I'm fully convinced that being prolife means defending both unborn baby and pregnant mom- then continue defending and supporting them until mom feels steady on her own two feet.
I admit, the need is overwhelming. But, read the following words of encouragement before despairing!
One: God is the Maker and Defender of life. He will give you power to do this work, which is His will.
Two: Imagine being the woman facing an unplanned pregnancy with no support and family or friends pushing her to choose abortion without allowing her to consider finding organizations who can support her or giving her baby to a loving adoptive family. Prolife work is about baby and mom, not about the workers' comfort. It's a call to sacrificial love, as Christ loved you.
Three: We each have a different role to play! This may look like prayer, side walk counseling, financially supporting prolife organizations, volunteering at a pregnancy resource center, supporting a pregnant woman in your life and/or educating yourself so you can educate others.

Mom, Makai, Grace and I trick-or-treated at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds. Makai slowly, methodically chose candy from each person, assuring them that "it's still me" under his football guise :)

Precious times with precious people.
I've been challenged by a Collin Smith sermon to use the word "my" in parenthesis, because all I have is a gift from God. This parenthetical "my" goes even in front of the word family. God blessed me abundantly by allowing me to live with the godly people I call family. I cherish memories with them even more deeply as I move towards the next season of (my) life- remembering that both that chapter and this one belong to the Lord. He reigns over this life He graciously gives me.

In Uganda, we have to create the fall season through decorations and homemade activities. I wouldn't trade this for the world; at the same time, it is nice to celebrate autumn in Michigan.

Corn maze (In Uganda terms, it would be maize maze 😄)

til you
and life
a world

While in Michigan, we got to celebrate the 50th anniversary of my paternal grandparents! Once when we were talking about getting annoyed with spouses, my grandpa made a comment: "Grandma knew that when she married me, leaving wasn't an option. We were coming together to stay together. I taught my kids the same thing." These words stuck with me; both they and my grandparents' unity inspire me to cultivate a heart of selfless, unconditional love for my own future husband.

My grandma carried a rose and Bible at her wedding. She kept the Bible and got a rose to place on it for the anniversary.

And... SNOW!!! Makai and I were jumping on a neighbor's trampoline when it first began to snow in earnest. "Where does the snow come from?" Makai asked me. I told him God sends it, to which he promptly declared, "I prayed for snow and God listened to me!"
Makai's growing grasp on the truth of God, His love and His goodness is so encouraging! One day he asked me where God lives. I explained that God lives in Heaven, but when we believe in Jesus, God comes to live in our hearts. Later, Makai said with a smile, "I believe in Jesus, so God lives in me!"

Makai's favorite thing to do with snow is eat it

I made seven snowmen for our family

At Mom's request I made snowmen visible from the kitchen window, calling them Lydia and Makai. Makai named them both Sabastian. 

Halloween night at an aunt's house. We had so much fun hanging out and handing a gospel track to each house owner. I loved watching the kids get excited when they asked if they could hand out the next track.
I struggle with Halloween. Because I've seen the reality of evil spirits and witchcraft, I see evil at work in skeletons, Harry Potter, ghosts, etc. I want to avoid exposing myself and my loved ones to this. Is this holiday an instance where I should completely abstain from participating? Or is it in line with righteous living to participate while avoiding parts tied to evil, using my stance to proclaim life amidst darkness? Honestly, I don't have the answer, but I continue to pray and wait on the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Former fellow missionaries came from out of state to visit us!

At a dahlia field near our house, I found flowers on the ground, broken off from the bush. Their beauty remained despite their situation. 


Encouraged by my mom and the Holy Spirit, I shared my testimony at Heart to Heart, a moms mentoring program and Bible study. Full disclosure: I was terrified! I continued to tell the Holy Spirit, "I need You to put Your words in my mouth. I don't know what to say, but this is Your story, for I am telling what You have done in my life." God is faithful. Despite facing spiritual attack after sharing, God ministered to my soul through His word, prayer and my mom. Sharing the testimony God has given me was worth it. It wasn't easy. But all praise be to God! The group of women I shared with had been praying for me for over a year- now they got to see God answering their prayer!

I close sharing about our time in Michigan with a few glimpses of God's majesty revealed in His creation...

On the way home...


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